
Monday, May 9, 2005

Home Improvement That Will Add Value To Your Property


Want to sell your home quickly? Home makeovers are all
the rage, but you don't have to go through a Changing
Rooms-style transformation to make your property more
enticing to prospective purchasers. Here are a few tips
on how to accentuate the positive side of your abode:

If you're taking photos of your home to give to the
estate agent, make sure they show your home from the
best angle. If you can, it's best to take them during
the summer months.

Give as much information as you can to the estate agent
about your local amenities - transport, schools, shops,
etc. - so potential buyers can get as full a picture of
the area as possible.

When people come round to view, make sure your place is
tidy (an obvious point, perhaps, but I can personally
testify that the contents of someone's underwear drawer
on a bedroom floor is not designed to attract a buyer).
Don't leave last night's washing-up in the sink.

Try and remove/hide any items of furniture that make your
home look cramped. Use the space you have to its full

Don't decorate your whole property just before your
home goes on the market - potential buyers might think
you've got something to hide. But do make sure your
walls and floors are clean and if a lick of magnolia
is required then get your paintbrush out.

There are different schools of thought about whether
it's better to be at home when people are viewing your
property. If you're not, make sure the place is clean.
If you are, don't follow your potential buyers around
but be prepared to answer any questions they might have.

About The Author
Emmanuel, (chairman/Ceo is an advertising,
and online marketing Consultant
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