
Monday, January 23, 2006

Proof of Global-warming


  1. Thanks for the proof by wearing it...i mean showing the picture to us :)))

  2. Oh, great...I can just hear all the men running out to buy gas-guzzling SUVs to do their part to contribute to global warming.

  3. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Probably that’s the life of circle.
    All people will be back to the Primitive Society in 2010, 2020, 20??...All things will be back in NATURAL?????? (Included clothing)

  4. wah.. hope all of them are red!

    Tong Tong Cheng

  5. Hi y'all, thanks for visiting and leaving all those cute cute comments. I'm sorry, I'm not free to play today so will have to get back to you later. Keep your cute cute comments coming tho. **hugz**

  6. oh! 'not free' meaning too busy hanging out those undies to dry for CNY?

    Tong Tong Cheng!

  7. aiya...
    i miss the hugz

  8. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Whew….whew…… pants and have a “福”(good fortune) there ;-)

    Dong dong Chang…

  9. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Whew….whew…… pants and have a “福”(good fortune) there ;-)

    Dong dong Chang…

  10. Low, you mean take pictures of me in those like fashion through time? You know, I just might.

    Let's see. I'd don the 20's look in Japan as it's still cold from last week's snow or perhaps in London visiting Picadilly Circus with YD or NY - kayaking with Bonnie. As for the 50's and 80's pieces, I could use them in Sgp or kayaking in croc-infested waters of Kuching and finally the little beauty there would come in handy when I visit Pandabonium in Fiji next month. Woo-hoooo... And of course, the folks from KL can tag along for the fun. And one important detail I might add.... all of them in Robin's favourite shade, RED!! There, I have it all worked out. hehehehe..........

    MM, and you would be trading your true-blue for one too. hahahah..

    Well, hello there Pinkpanther. Welcome to the party! Nice of you to drop by. Did you say 'natural clothing'? Wow! You're worse than all of us here combined. But anyway don't worry you won't be bad influence for us as we are already bad! And besides FH2O and Robin already hold that franchise.

    So when are you setting up your own blog so that we can all crash your party? Thanks again for visiting and looking forward to having you back.

    Robin, my exact sentiments. ;)

    FH2o, that's an adult question - censored!

    Hi Jellyfish, **hugz** and I get 8 hugz in return?! Wow! Let's do it again. I get 16. I get 24, 32, 40,----------- Okay, okay, enough, enough - I'm about being hugged to being a flattened sotong (cuttlefish) myself. Hmmm, that was nice tho.

    Gee, that was tiring too and to think that after a hard day's work I should be taking it easy. I shan't be taking calls again tomorrow so don't call me, I'll call you and hold the fort while I'm gone, okay?

  11. Anonymous10:32 AM

    That's hilarious. Made me smile :-)

  12. No worry, I will direct all your visit to my blog in the meantime... in case they are bored.

    This way please...

  13. Anonymous11:56 AM

    You drew that? Hey i am back to blogasphere from holiday! HAHAHA

  14. Robin, quick thinker...or kiasu? :))) Forget about the 20's to even 90's, happy. Get in the latest trend and take one red-hot shot for a good Dog year start! :p

  15. Actually, my BLUE car IS an SUV...though it is said to have the most fuel-efficient engine of any non-hybrid model.

    Hmm. There's a Danish economics professor named Bjorn Lomborg who published a book last year called "The Skeptical Environmentalist". In it, he says that it's ridiculous for industrialized nations to worry about global warming because, as he says, "It will really only affect Third World countries."

    Gee...I guess it's okay, then.

  16. Anonymous12:08 AM

    ahhahaha good one

  17. The phrase "see you in Fiji" takes on a whole new meaning.

    (Did I say that?) blush

  18. Hey Paul, glad you're back. Really love your pictures.

    Yeah Robin, no wonder the visits are down to a mere trickle. It's all your fault enticing them with that smooth new car of yours. Nice, nice, red, red.

    Louyau, hi! Good to have you back! Looks like you had a blast.
    Sorry to disappoint you - can't take the credit for that cute piece. Source unknown tho but the artist would be happy to know that it has prompted so much attention, so much fun and amusement. haha!!

    Low, you never give up do you? Wow! such persistence.

    MM, that case, it'll simply boil down to the First World having more SUVs while the Third World having more bikinis.

    Hi Smashpop, thanks for stopping by. Great blogging and nice pictures too. Keep it up!

  19. Hi Pandabonium, see you in Fiji then - blogwise. haha.....

  20. MM, that case, it'll simply boil down to the First World having more SUVs while the Third World having more bikinis.

    Or the Third World having fewer bikinis...

    Maybe some cultures will go back to dressing as their ancestors did.

  21. That will be the day, MM, that will be the day. haha......
