
Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Crabby Old Woman

Such a beautiful and moving piece.

Lest we forget

When an old lady died in the geriatric ward of a small hospital
near Dundee, Scotland, it was believed that she had nothing left
of any value.

Later, when the nurses were going through her meager possessions,
they found this poem. Its quality and content so impressed the
staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the
hospital. One nurse took her copy to Ireland.

The old lady's sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the
Christmas edition of the News Magazine of the North Ireland
Association for Mental Health. A slide presentation has also been
made based on her simple, but eloquent, poem. And this little old
Scottish lady, with nothing left to give to the world, is now the
author of this "anonymous" poem winging across the Internet:

A Crabby Old Woman

What do you see, nurses?
What do you see?
What are you thinking
When you're looking at me?

A crabby old woman,
Not very wise,
Uncertain of habit,
With faraway eyes?

Who dribbles her food
And makes no reply
When you say in a loud voice,
"I do wish you'd try!"

Who seems not to notice
The things that you do,
And forever is losing
A stocking or shoe?

Who, resisting or not,
Lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding,
The long day to fill?

Is that what you're thinking?
Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse,
You're not looking at me.

I'll tell you who I am
As I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding,
As I eat at your will.

I'm a small ch ild of ten
With a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters,
Who love one another.
A young girl of sixteen
With wings on her feet
Dreaming that soon now
A lover she'll meet.

A bride soon at twenty,
My heart gives a leap,
Remembering the vows
That I promised to keep.

At twenty-five now,
I have young of my own,
Who need me to guide
And a secure happy home.

A woman of thirty,
My young now grown fast,
Bound to each other
With ties that should last.

At forty, my young sons
Have grown and are gone,
But my man's beside me
To see I don't mourn.

At fifty once more,
Babies play round my knee,
Again we know children,
My loved one and me.

Dark days are upon me,
My husband is dead,
I look at the future,
I shudder with dread.

For my young are all rearing
Young of their own,
And I think of the years
And the love that I've known.

I'm now an old woman
And nature is cruel;
'Tis jest to make old age
Look like a fool.

The body, it crumbles,
Grace and vigor depart,
There is now a stone
Where I once had a heart.

But inside this old carcass
A young girl still dwells,
And now and again,
My battered heart swells.

I remember the joys,
I remember the pain,
And I'm loving and living
Life over again.

I think of the years
All too few, gone too fast,
And accept the stark fact
That nothing can last.

So open your eyes, people,
Open and see,
Not a crabby old woman;
Look closer . . . see ME!!

Remember this poem when you next meet an old person who
you might brush aside without looking at the young soul
within . . we will all, one day, be there, too!


  1. Wonderful poem... Though I read it again (the first time from my director of nursing)

    I used to think this is a westerner problem, but strange, as I grow older, I see that in Asian society as well. What happen to filial piety and respects for elders, the jewels of Asian tradition?

  2. Watch your language Robin. I don't know what "filial piety" means, but it sounds dirty. (just kidding)

    Yeah, I like that poem too. There are lots of elderly people in my neighborhood, and while walking Momo I get to greet some of them. The like petting Momo and she always brings a smile to their faces. Elderly people are treasures.

  3. My heart sinks every time I see the elderly walk the streets presumably running errands and some are still working to support what remains of their lives. I often see grandmothers pushing their bicycle through busy streets in KL with groceries and things in their baskets, still risking it all, amidst the dangerously mad traffic and pollution, under the blazing sun.

    And there is a very old man still working around my office block, neckties and all and he uses the public transport . He is smartly dressed in working attire but he looks frail. His face is nothing but skin on bones. He must be more than 70. He takes his own pace as people around him quickly walk by. There were times when I thought of chatting up with him but his face bares no expression or interest in other people. Maybe he is unable to share it but he still has it all inside. One fine day perhaps.

  4. This is so beautiful and true.

    With so much emphasis on looks and youth; we fail to see the truth of the beautiful soul(s) that we all are. We need to see with more than our eyes.

    Sadly too few of us realises and sees this. I try.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  5. Why am I suddenly hearing the line from the Rolling Stones song, "What a drag it is to be old"?

  6. Robin, filial piety - oops Pandabonium, had to repeat it - I wonder if this is coined in the East as it's emphasised more in the East than in the West. I could be wrong. Bottomline is, inculcating a value system would probably take care of filial piety. Also, leadership by example would be a good bet too?

  7. Pandabonium, "Elderly people are treasures."
    -- I do agree. They've been there and done that. That's why they have the wisdom of knowledge, of patience, of understanding, kindness, and all the virtues.

    Momo, the peach, would bring a smile to any face. Hope she's doing fine.

  8. Agus, you are so sweet. Then again, if elderly folks are still able to do the things they love, shouldn't they continue to be doing them? Let them have their dignity and freedom.

    FH2o, a beautiful soul you are. Glad you like the poem.

    MM, Mick Jagger should probably replace that with "Forever Young"?

  9. Few things anger me more than people who show disrespect or even abuse the elderly. If these people spent a little time to know them, they'd surely see how graceful and interesting they really are - and that we have so much to learn from them

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful poem!

  10. Furkids, hi! Time is indeed a treasured gift in itself. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
