
Monday, August 14, 2006

Manic Monday

When I was in school, I remember I used to feel miserable on a Sunday evening. The prospect of a weekend coming to an end and the thought of having to wake up early and suffer another school week brought on the blues.

But now, I actually look forward to Mondays. However, today has been especially manic. Monday blues? Nah! No time for that. What I need now is some peace and quiet - to let my mind rest, no need for mind labour. Hush.

Picture above is courtesy of a good friend of a good friend. Thank you, ladies.


  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    FInally! someone that likes Monday like i do! I'm normal!

  2. Hi Happysuffer.

    Your ‘True friendship comes with’............... - how true.
    also I think the following holds good as well.

    Don’t walk in front of me
    I may not follow
    Don’t walk behind me
    I may not lead
    Walk beside me
    And just be my friend.

    Works for me. ....

  3. I love peace and silence, especially floating along some wild rivers in the middle of the jungle ... sublime.

  4. Mondays can be an opportunity to work on things with a fresh rested mind.

  5. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I guess we always say that.. monday blues
    But then do we really mean it?
    To me everyday is the same
    May be try not to think of tomorrow but today as well as not dwell on yesterday...

  6. That depends on what kind of work you have waiting for you on Mondays.

    I like that quote. Some people can't understand why I'm perfectly content with spending time just "hanging out" with friends and doing nothing at all instead of having to go out and get plastered or something (although that's fun, too).

  7. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I like the Mondays on 1st 'n 3rd week of every month. It's the date for me to receive payment. :-D

  8. i dun even have time for monday blues, full pile of work to clear!!!


  9. Anonymous9:12 AM

    wish there were no mondays, then i will hate tuesday and so on ....
    hmmm ... ok, might as well i wish there were peace & quiet always :)

  10. No Mondays = no Sundays.... Hmm? *grin*

  11. hmmm. a lot of people feel the blue on Sunday night..

    which explain why sunday night there is no traffic jam on the street,

    friday and sat night the worst.. dun try to go orchard road.

  12. Hey Robin. It's Orchard Road to avoid in Sgp and over here, it's most major shopping complexes esp on a Sunday.

    Hi LB, no Sundays = no Mondays = no Tuesdays and so forth. No wonder you are grinning - life's a blast!

  13. Slurp! yes, more peace and quiet. We all need that at least once in a while.

    Poor Leonard, good for you actually. Am sure your boss is happy happy.

  14. Pink Panther, Wow! Two paydays in a month. How wonderful.

    That depends on what kind of work you have waiting for you on Mondays.
    MM, true. Mondays can be a drag if you have those difficult or unpleasant work waiting to be done.

    Or the quote, hanging out and doing nothing is something. Getting plastered is something else.

  15. Z, hey, that's the way to go, man. Any day should not make any difference. Any day can be a good day. :D

    Mondays can be an opportunity to work on things with a fresh rested mind.
    Pandabonium, couldn't agree more.

  16. FH2o, nature can be one's best friend as the silence can be a source of comfort.

    Dear Mick, a lovely verse there. Thanks for sharing it.

  17. Splashmilk, haha! You are normal and thanks for making me normal too. I've got company! I've got company! ;)

  18. I absolutely LOVE the picture, especially the message it brings. Simply wonderful.

  19. Hey Agus, glad you do. Me too - profound message, food for thought, eh? And the picture, it's like a glowing flower in the dark - just like two friends, darkness and the flower keeping each other company and having something in common: silence. Nothing needs to be spoken yet one understands the other so well.

    There are a few more where that came from so I'd be posting them later.

  20. May I say, Silence is a crucial part of communication...

  21. Lrong, so true. Know when to keep quiet is crucial - for harmony and support. The mind needs to rest too, so does the mouth?! haha!
