
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Postcards from America

How time flies. Once again Postcards from America has selected the four finalists for this year's Postcards/Photography competition. Here are the four. Which one do you like? Which one would you vote for?

In last year's competition, one postcard on Oregon was chosen. This year, there is once again a finalist depicting Oregon. Oregon must be a beautiful state. Oregon reminds me of the Moody Minstrel. MM is from Oregon but is now living in Tokyo.

Check out last year's photos.


  1. Oregon is most definitely a beautiful state...which is why Californian real estate developers are buying it up at a breakneck speed. That particular photo shows Crater Lake, one of the deepest lakes in the world, which was formed when a giant volcano collapsed thousands of years ago. It's Oregon's only National Park (though there are several National Forests in the state), and there are a lot of good places to visit, hike, or camp in the area.


    More homesickness...but that's okay. T'is the season.

    I don't actually live in Tokyo but about 90km northeast of it. Close enough in global terms, though! :-)

    I really like picture #2. That's an eerie effect!

    Quaint how my home is often here on view,
    Yonder the home that I have left behind.
    Even a postcard wakens thoughts so true;
    Quite powerful the yearnings in my mind.
    Sentiment, the winter curse,
    Makes me oft write this kind of verse.

  2. They're all four beautiful photographs. I was in Oregon once, mainly at Portland, and we drove around to some mountain, and it was snowing heavily at that time. It was so amazing. I had never seen so much soft soft white fluffy snow before, and have never seen since. It's true. It's a beautiful state. Missed that Crater Lake though.

  3. MM, oops! Noted - about 90km northeast of Tokyo.

    Thanks for the additional info on Oregon. I saw a documentary on it and saw how beautiful the place is, especially the stretch along the coast.

    How ignorant of me of Japan
    Jolly well I didn't mistake Tokyo for Saipan.
    Tis Oregon, you also call home
    I'm sure it's beautiful land you used to roam.
    Great places featured on those postcards
    Uh-huh, they'd probably look just as great on leotards .

  4. LB, yeah, all four beautiful postcards. They'd make any collector happy.

    There is something beautiful about snow, isn't it? Even romantic. **Sigh**

  5. Yeah, I had a very romantic white snow new year once with a girl I loved the most... *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *SIGH*

  6. LB, wow! sounds so romantic. Memories are made of these.
