
Thursday, December 7, 2006

Clockwise, please

After that eye-foolery and mind-tripping session, now try this one.

Mind-boggling! And you will keep trying it again and again to see if you can out-smart your foot. But you can't.

1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.
Your foot will change direction.

I told you so .........And there's nothing you can do about it.

Pass this on to your friends...they won't be able to believe it either!!


  1. You're right! The right foot and right hand cannot contradict each other, but right foot and left hand can!

  2. Hmmm, didn't work for me.. Tried few times too... I am flawed!!!

  3. erm.. didn't work for me too on right hand...

    but work slightly on my left hand+left leg, with anticlockwise turn and inverted 6.

    I suspect it won't work for moody for both sides. it seems to involve the right/left brain coordination.. and he seems to have an inverted brain! ;-P

  4. Joe, same for me - left + right act works but not on the same side.

    LB, are you from another planet? The truth, pls. ;)

    YD, now I know you're an Earthling too.


  5. At first I couldn't do it with either hand. My foot would always shift direction. However, I found that if I concentrated my thinking on my foot and then let my hand draw the "6" automatically (rather like focusing on the bass drum beat while letting your hands continue on the ride cymbal and snare drum without thinking while playing the drums) I could do it without too much trouble.

    Even more interesting: once I succeeded in doing it one time it became increasingly easy after that. Now I can do it with ease.

    Even more interesting: I feel wide awake and alert after doing this. I was feeling a bit sleepy before that. I guess I woke up part of my brain...

    Occipital, temporal, cerebellum?
    X-amine what I've got inside my head,
    Reveal what I can find so I can tell 'em,
    I'm neither alien, nor am I dead.
    Keep telling me that I am weird;
    Only a loss of self is feared!

  6. My brain is always going in circles.
