
Sunday, January 7, 2007

How to Look Fab in Your Passport Pictures

I don't know about yours but all my pictures in official documents look less than desirable to say the least. The other day while going through an old issue of Women's Weekly, I found this interesting article on how to look fab in your passport pictures. Let me share it with you so that you can look fab too.

1. Watch the crop
Passport photos should allow immigration inspectors to recognise you. If you're DIY-ing yourself, include a blue background, free of shadows, and include in the shot a front view of your full face, with open eyes. The top of your hair and your shoulders should be within the photo. Be warned that unlike some other countries, our immigration office is pretty strict and may reject a DIY photo, unless you do it so well, they can't tell the difference.

2. Look like a Star
Take the trouble to glam up or go to a hair salon before taking the photo. Here's a tip: A flattering angle for the face would be to just slightly tilt your chin down. Push your head out from the neck to give a better jaw-line.

3. Don't say cheese
Your face should have a natural expression. Too wide a grin actually thwarts your face. Smile gently and think happy thoughts. This usually makes your eyes sparkle and the smaile will show through.

4. Watch the shine
Photo booth flashes tend to be quite bright, so make sure your face is shine-free. Guys can use a tissue to blot, while women can try powdering their T-zone.

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