
Friday, April 27, 2007


"Work won't kill anyone". Have you ever come across this expression? This is commonly used by the Chinese community especially those of Cantonese origin. Unfortunately, it may not be true as work does kill. I just received an email that a blogger in Singapore had just passed away due to her workload. Read Pinkmayflower's last entry. You could even feel her stress. May she rest in peace.

Read her friend's tribute.

There is a lesson to be learned here. Take time to de-stress. Nothing is more important in life than life itself. It is precious yet fragile. Don't sweat the small stuff. Peace.


  1. Well-paid jobs demand more than just work in a competitive environment...a very sad reality here indeed!

  2. Yes, Joe, sad indeed.

  3. The problem is: in this capitalist world, we either have to work very hard in order to secure our income, or we don't work at all. There is no middle ground :(

    You can't tell your boss, "I don't work overtime. I don't mind getting less pay." If you do speak out, all you get is a dismissal letter.
