
Friday, April 20, 2007

Running for good health

Most of us, adults, lead sedentary lives, being cooped up in our air-conditioned offices and glued to our office machines, in this case it's the computer, mostly. Even the food we eat has cause for concern as more and more people are expanding in the mid-section territory. It is therefore important that we get into some form of exercise to stay fit. There are many forms of activities that anyone can be involved in. One such is running.

Running is an ideal sport for a lot of people because it does not involve investing in a great deal of expensive equipment or gear. With only a few basic pieces of gear, a novice runner can be ready to hit the streets and start running as opposed to golf or rock-climbing where one has to invest in a lot more money in getting the expensive gear.

Whether one runs for recreation or competition, one has to know the basics in order to get the desired results. For example, one has to be appropriately attired especially wearing the right type of running shoes. A site I found, has information on the type of shoes to use with tips on how to buy running shoes. The site even tells you about how long running shoes should last. If you are a novice runner, this type of information will be most helpful to get you started right and then lead you on to Advanced Running Techniques. I have learned much from these running tips. I'm sure you will find them useful too.

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