
Friday, April 6, 2007

Should Malaysian bloggers register?

The blogosphere is a great place to air one's views and rants, but are some of us going overboard? Of late, the authorities here are getting concerned on the negative or malicious content on the Internet. BLOGGERS using locally hosted websites may be asked to register with the authorities. What do you think?

Related article: "Bloggers may have to register..The Star"


  1. Should Malaysian bloggers register?

    Naw...the government should just secretly monitor online communication and hire hackers to snoop into computers belonging to people thought to be a security risk. After all, that's the way they do it in the U.S..

  2. maybe the gomen will just resort to what china is doing... just ban blogspot and wordpress. wonder what will happen if such move is taken.

  3. MM, is that a fact?

    Zewt, I certainly hope not. I would then have to close shop, a lot of others too. ;)
