
Sunday, May 6, 2007

Best Current Account

When the government announced that government departments will no longer be open on Saturdays, banks followed suit. Even the Post Office even though privatised is also closed on Saturdays. Many of us felt let down, me included, as most of us do out banking on Saturdays being on a 5-day workweek. And if we need to do anything official such as applying for a passport or conduct banking matters, we would have to take leave or time-off from work.

Like all things, people get used to this new regime and they work around it and get on with life putting the inconvenience behind them. Over here, if one does not need to interact with a physical person, banking is pretty convenient as there are many bank branches available. ATM machines are everywhere, even in shopping malls and some are installed in company premises for the convenience and safety of employees.

When it comes to banking, everyone has a favourite bank, one that he or she feels comfortable with either with the bank staff or its services. My favourite is one where I do not have to move my money from savings to current or vice versa. That sure saves me the inconvenience. By the way, if you are in the UK and if you are looking into opening a bank account, why not check out They have been awarded the “Best Current Account Provider” award in 2006 and that should say a lot about this bank.

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