
Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Cruise Holiday

Malaysia can be considered a blessed land. Being a peninsula and well-protected by Indonesia and The Philippines, the waters are not rough in the sense that shipping vessels are able to ply the waters with little or no risk from bad weather.

Because of this positive condition, holiday cruises are available for people who can only get away for a short vacation that includes stopovers in some interesting nearby cities for sightseeing and shopping. On a 4D/5N Malaysian cruise, for example, one can begin one's holiday from Singapore, along the way stopping by at Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Langkawi and on to Phuket, which is part of Thailand. A cruise holiday can be exciting and relaxing at the same time as everything is being taken care of, from food to entertainment.


  1. A recent Newsweek issue had a cover story entitled "Slow is beautiful". It says that these days, more and more people shun the 10-cities-in-10-days tours in favor of slower modes of travel.

    Cruise tour is definitely a way to appreciate the beauty of being slow.

    Unfortunately, few of us in Malaysia have enough time for slow tour. And some people complain that there are too many public holidays in this country!

  2. KS, from my observation of friends and family, it is the older generation that enjoys cruises more. Young people still go for the 10-days-in-10-cities type of tours.

    Thanks for sharing that Newsweek article.
