
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Romance for Everyone

I read with interest (and sadness at the same time), a blog post about love and romance. The blogger wrote about his breakup with his longtime girlfriend. What saddened me about the post is their breakup after so many years of courtship. He did not elaborate on the reason for the breakup.

I have friends who also broke up after being together for many years. What about in the case of married couples? Will they break up when suddenly one morning, they realise that they no longer love each other anymore? Will they just pack up and leave? Can a relationship be that impermanent and flimsy that it can be cast aside so simply? Isn't love supposed to last? Or am I too idealistic or living in a romance novel-type of world?

I believe like anything else, nothing just drops from the sky. One must work at it, even relationships. Both parties would have to contribute to its success, don't you think? I am certainly no expert but my simple and naive mind says that for any relationship to survive, some romance is necessary. I recently stumbled upon a site,, and it's a real gem of a site, I tell you. I love this site, but don't just take my word for it, check out the site for yourself. You will find lots and lots of romance tips to make any relationship last forever. Afterall, isn't love and romance supposed to last forever?


  1. I too, used to think that true love will last forever.

    Now I learned that our Changes is forever.

    Impermanence and Wisdom..

  2. It's true that relationships do require effort. Marriage in particular can take a lot of careful maintenance, not to mention a bit of sacrifice and a lot of compromise, in order for it to work.

    I think too many people fly into relationships or marriage thinking it'll just be one never-ending dream, and when they find out you sometimes have to get your hands dirty they feel they're being cheated out on life and run away in search of greener pastures.

    In short, people tend to be selfish, lazy, and naive. The more spoiled the culture, the higher the average number of different partners a person has in his or her lifetime, and the higher the divorce rate. There is definitely a direct, causal relationship between the two.

    I agree that change is the only real constant in the universe, Robin, but I still disagree with you. True love will last. The trouble is that too many people have the wrong idea about what love is.

  3. Robin, I agree that nothing is permanent though I tend to agree with MM that true love will last forever.

    MM, you are wise and down-to-earth. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I like what you said about "a bit of sacrifice and a lot of compromise". The people who don't see it that way will scoot off at the slightest obstacle that comes up.

    In short, people tend to be selfish, lazy, and naive. The more spoiled the culture, the higher the average number of different partners a person has in his or her lifetime, and the higher the divorce rate. There is definitely a direct, causal relationship between the two.

    Some observation here! Divorce rate is going up here too and young people are also more free with changing partners. Could this be the result of progress? Are we going forward or backward? Or are we in the thick of evolution?
