
Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday Frolics: What Kind of Pet Would You Be?

Remember in one of my previous posts I mentioned that if I needed something to do that doesn't need thinking I'd do quizzes? Well, there was one weekend not too long ago, I spent a considerable amount of time just doing these no-brainers. I tell you, it was quite, quite therapeutic.

Thought I'd share one with you every Friday, just to wind down for the weekend. Here's one to start off. Enjoy and find out what kind of pet you would be.

Me? A Pet Bird.

You Would Be a Pet Bird

You're intelligent and witty, yet surprisingly low maintenance.

You charm people easily, and they usually love you a lot more than you love them.

You resent anyone who tries to own or control you. You refuse to be fenced in.

Why you would make a great pet: You're very smart and entertaining

Why you would make a bad pet: You're not interested in being anyone's pet!

What you would love about being a bird: Flying, obviously

What you would hate about being a bird: Being caged



  1. He..he...What kind of Pet would I be? {of course not a PinkPanther}.

    Accroding to the result,I would be a Pet Rabbit. ^_^

    Playful and hyper, you enjoy being around other people... as long as everyone's having fun.
    You are easily bored, and you almost always need some sort of entertainment.
    If you're not keeping busy, then you're apt to get in some sort of trouble!

    Interesting quiz...Happy weekend!

  2. PP, rabbits are adorable too. :)

  3. Heh heh...

    I would be a pet CAT!

    Independent and aloof, you don't like to be dependent on anyone.
    And as for other people, you can take them or leave them. You often don't care.
    You live your life by your own rules. And you have deep motivations that no one truly understands.

    Why you would make a great pet: You're not needy or greedy... unlike other four legged friends.

    Why you would make a bad pet: You're not exactly running down to greet people at the door

    What you would love about being a cat: Agility and freedom

    What you would hate about being a cat: Being treated like a dog by clueless humans.

    I also like to hunt birds!

  4. MM, my guess is, what it says here fits you really well. Cats are cool creatures - they simply don't care two hoots about anything or anyone. I like the bit about hate being treated like a dog by clueless humans. lol

    Did you make up the last bit about hunting birds? I'd better be careful when you are around. hehe..

  5. MM, my guess is, what it says here fits you really well. Cats are cool creatures - they simply don't care two hoots about anything or anyone.

    Woah...!!!!!! I'm not sure how to take that! :-(

  6. MM, no, seriously, I meant it in the positive sense. Cats are cool about things. They are not like ever-ready to come running when summoned. You know what I mean.
