
Monday, October 15, 2007

Beginner's Guide to White Water Rafting

Before taking a trip overseas, chances are we'd do some research and find out everything we can about the place with regard to visa requirement, currency exchange rate, weather, food, maps, places of interest, etc., etc. People who have been there is a great resource for real-life experiences while travel agencies, embassies and the Internet are sources for information on official documents and regulations.

A friend who has widely travelled plans to start blogging about his travel stories in Asia. From what he's been sharing, his blog, if ever it materialises, would be an interesting and insightful read.

The Internet has become a boon to travellers. Almost everything to know about a place can be found there. Before a holiday, it'd be wise to be prepared so that the holiday would be as safe and as enjoyable as possible. If, for instance, white water rafting is part of the agenda, an article on Beginner'sGuide to White Water Rafting would be helpful.

With the increasing number of cheating incidents in this part of the world, this insightful article, How To Overcome Con Artists in Asia is certainly a must-read. It's cliched but better be safe than sorry.


  1. Just leave out the hedgehog.

  2. I wonder if baby hedgehogs prick too? I saw some in the pet shop the other day. First time I was seeing them live and up close. They seemed so cute and harmless, scared too as they were huddling together in a corner of the cage - probably crying softly, "I want my mommy!". Poor things.
