
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What's UP?

How about a word puzzler? Stumbled upon it from the Word Guy, Rob Kyff.

There is something unusual about these eight words. See whether you can figure it out: assess, banana, dresser, grammar, potato, revive, uneven, voodoo. The answer is at the end of the column. No peeking. In the meantime, here's something for English lovers. Click on article to enlarge.

Source unknown

Puzzler answer: If you take the first letter of each word, place it at the end of the word and read the word backward, it will be the same word.


  1. A lot of those idioms can be explained by the fact that, archaically, the word "up" (from German "auf") can also carry the meaning of "completion". For example, if you clean something up, you make it completely clean. If you shut up, you make your mouth completely shut, i.e. you become completely quiet.

    Are you completely confused? Did I mess your thinking up?

  2. Not a chance, my thinking is already messed up. LOL
