
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Dr M starts his own blog

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad joined the swelling ranks of politicians going online with his own blog simply named “Dr Mahathir Mohamad,”

He says: “This site is dedicated to publishing my writings as and when I am able to pen my thoughts and opinion.”

Will we be reading a Pak Lah blog soon?


  1. think he did a well done branding - nice neat blog & good banner... im curious on his posts haha.

    if pak lah has a blog, now that would be super cool. a first in the world? :)

  2. So this will be a Pak Lah-bashing and West-bashing site, huh?

  3. QC, I'd hate to see him being too critical of the current administration, afterall he was the 'engineer' behind it all in the first place.

    KS, not really. He gets it too. Have you read the comments?

  4. I was there just yesterday, reading mostly a lot of Welcome to Blogging comments!!

  5. I added my welcome too though I didn't see it appearing yesterday. Haven't gone in today. Comments are moderated so it'll take time. Imagine the number of hits he's getting! The first time I opened it the # of comments was at 129. The next time shortly after, the number jumped to 389! I'm sure it's just the novelty of it. We shall see.

  6. As of now, comments number 1024.

    His second post entered yesterday, May 2, has got 238 comments so far. Looks like I'm helping send traffic to his site. Trust me, not the intent. Just keeping you informed along the way.
