
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tips for Photographing Stunning Sunsets

Just like finger-prints, no two sunsets are alike. However, unlike finger-prints, sunsets, or sunrises for that matter, are beautiful moments you would like to savour for as long as possible or be able to share them with others. Sharing them is only possible if they are with you at that moment but thanks to the camera or other similar gadgets, sharing beautiful sights is now possible.

As bloggers, we would want to be able to take great pictures for our blog. As a blogger ("photographer"? No, not worthy), I know I'd welcome tips on taking decent-enough pictures.

Problogger, Darren Rowse of has some great tips on his photography site, for photographing stunning sunsets. Browse around his site. He's got lots of useful tips, educational videos and awe-inspiring images. Insightful and inspirational site it is. Perhaps, this is where I could start with photography lessons.


  1. and the world is still a wonderful place, if only we can halt all this self-destruction..

  2. I hope you meant the environment or war or something along these lines.....

  3. For sunset pictures, set the White Balance of your digital camera to 'Daylight' or 'Cloudy'. That will give you a yellowish feel.

    If that is not enough, increase the saturation of the images in photo editing software.

  4. KS, thanks for the additional tips. Will come in handy.

  5. Anonymous9:14 AM

    How do you know it's my latest obsession, to take photo of sunset? LOL.

    If you have time, pls browse through my flickr and tell me what you think of them ...


  6. Actually I made a mistake. The easiest way to shoot sunset is to use 'Sunset' mode, if your camera has one.

    But my camera doesn't have Sunset mode...

  7. The hotter a sunny day, the more beautiful its sunset.

  8. Andie, great minds think alike!! LOL!

    Thanks for the flickr link. I'm no expert or anywhere near it but will definitely drop in to admire your sunsets.

    KS, thank you for the extra tip.

    Mockingbird, I tend to agree. Great photo opportunities.

    I was once told that the redder the sunset sky is, the hotter it will be the following day. I'm sure there is no scientific proof but as a child you accept what adults tell you.
