
Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Frolics - The Bus Test

Can't make up your mind?

Look carefully at the picture again.
Still don't know?

The email said pre-schoolers all over Australia

were shown this picture and

90% of the pre-schoolers gave this answer.

"The bus is traveling to the right."

When asked, "Why do you think the bus is traveling to the right?"

They answered:

"Because you can't see the door to get on the bus."

Did you get it right too?

Other Fun Quizzes


  1. Heya HappySurfer

    Hope you are doing fine :)

    Btw, remember I mentioned in my blog before that I have something planned for bloggers?

    Well, Im giving a free copy of my new book, 50+1 Malaysia away to any blogger who is willing to do a post review on it. And would like to personally invite you to be one :)

    Would you care to be one? :)

    If yes (and I hope you will hehe), you can sign in your details for us to send the book over at

    Thanks :)

    *The book will be out 31 July 2008.

  2. Anonymous8:55 AM 1st guess was travelling to the right but I didn't have the door answer! Guess preschoolers are smarter than us adults! Great post..I like it.

  3. Mockingbird, sure is. Sounds simple though, eh?

  4. Heya Quachee, Gee! I am honoured and humbled by this personal invite. Thank you.

  5. Mybuglife, glad you enjoyed it. If you enjoy quizzes, check out others in the link at the base of the post. Have fun!

  6. In left-hand drive countries it would be different...

  7. KS, I guess. Quiz mentioned Australia so it probably applies to the people driving on the left side of the road. You are right there, of course.

    By the way, did you know that originally most traffic drove on the left worldwide? But now, about 34% of the world by population drive on the left, and 66% on the right - according to Wikipedia.
