
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Does Size Matter?

This sure takes a burger meal to a higher level, doesn't it?

This is the Biggest Burger at Denny's Beer Barrel Pub, Clearfield, Pennsylvania. You'll need to order ahead for this 123lb (56 kg) burger. Of course, if you're just after a snack, there's always the 6lb (3 kg) version.

Unfortunately, we don't have this here. But what's your favorite burger?

Picture source: Yahoo! News


  1. i think Carl's Junior burgers are not bad.

    Burger King's burgers in Singapore used to be good years ago. Now it's terrible. Always too salty and the beef patty is always burnt :p

  2. MOS Burger is good too :)

  3. Anonymous6:09 PM

    That is one HUGE burger!! Hehhhe.. hey we used to have MOS burger many yrs ago but closed down. It's either McDs or Burger King for me.

  4. I love gourmet burgers, especially Jackson Hole Wyoming's!! With extra lashes of bacon with sauteed mushroom, and heaps of french fries!!

  5. Malaysia has many Guinness world records too...

  6. WOw! Then I have to become an anaconda to eat a whopping 56 KG of burger. Darn. then I thing i'll be hospitalized for indigestion. LOL =)

  7. All the Burger Kings disappeared from Japan in the late 90s after having been here only a few short years. That to me was a tragedy. I always liked Burger King burgers best if I couldn't find a gourmet burger place.

    At least we have MOS burger here in Japan...though their biggest drawback is that their burgers are so small.

  8. MB, we used to have Carl's Jr many years ago but not sure if it's still around. I have no impression of their burgers though. Have not heard of MOS either. From Wikipedia, they are rice burgers, aren't they?

  9. MBL, that one sure is huge! It'll last me a month, that is if I eat a portion of it daily. LOL!

    I used to like Burger King's until their buns turned flaky. With each bite, you get bread bits raining down. I gave up.

  10. OMGoodness! LB, that sounds so so delicious and so SINFUL!! Do you have that at your place or you had it in Wyoming?!

    I bet, after that extra lashes of bacon with sauteed mushroom, and heaps of french fries!! nothing else even comes close. I want!

  11. Tekkaus, er.. I think anacondas just need to sleep the food off. No?

  12. MM, I used to like Burger King's burgers too until.... reference my comment to MBL.

    There aren't many Burger King outlets here - no loss to me. McD's takes the lead here.

    Whatever it is, burgers are not my priority where food is concerned, gourmet or otherwise - but would like to try the one LB mentioned though.
