
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Suggesting a Link-name or Link-term

Have you ever received a request from a fellow-blogger asking to exchange links? If you have and have been asked as to the link-name or link-term you would like used, was it easy for you to suggest it?

If your blog has a niche subject, then you would have no problem suggesting a link-name or link-term, but if your blog is like mine, a general blog of a myriad of topics, that task would somehow be rather challenging, wouldn't you say?

A tip here, you might want to start figuring that out just in case you get a request for a link-exchange.

While we are at names and terms for a link, how many of you have used the expression "ew" or "eww" or even "ewwwwwwwwww". You might be happy to note that "ew" made it to the Oxford English Dictionary in December, so it is now a valid English word. More words here on the Oxford English Dictionary site.

And yes, "Eww!!" when you have flower pots being knocked down and broken and you have to clean up the mess and replanting the plants. This time of the year sees strong winds blowing. This is s sure sign of the impending Lunar New Year which falls on Jan 26 (I think).

I am avoiding Chinatown at this time of the year, especially in the evenings/nights as you can be caught in really heavy traffic in that part of Kuala Lumpur though for tourists, it is a great time to see Chinatown with its bustling activity and extra goodies on sale, i.e., the paraphernalia associated with the Lunar New Year.


  1. I think Chinatown is also great for photographers at this time of the year :)

  2. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I had thought of photographing Chinatown but then again...street photography's not easy...ppl might get crossed..thinking I work for some news agency hounding their biz or reporting on them.

    Also, it would be jam packed this time of the year.

  3. KS, I couldn't agree more though it can be rather challenging amidst the crowd. Still, it will make for vibrant photographs.

    MBL, I know the feeling. I too feel uneasy taking pictures there or of people.

  4. hey happysurfer... it can be. but i find lots of general blogs like yours and mine (and all the many bloggers there), somehow managed to find a link name, which is unique :)
