
Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Frolics - Jigsaw Puzzle

No quiz this week but let's try something else. When was the last time you did a jigsaw puzzle? Wanna try one online? Then try this simple Jigsaw Puzzle.

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  1. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Ages..since I last pieced a puzzle together :)I like the simple easy piecey ones..hahha

  2. Same here, both counts. Frankly, I do not have the patience nor see the need to work on jigsaw puzzles but like other hobbies, it can be therapeutic, I suppose.

  3. I don't even remember when was the last time I work on a jigsaw puzzle! But it's quite fun if got nothing else to do. Nowadays so busy, where got the time? : (

  4. Foong, yeah lah, time seems to fly these days. Perhaps, our life has become such that there are more activities now and each competing for our time. So, did you have the chance to try this simple jigsaw puzzle?

  5. It's been ages, but you know, I have fond memories of my family (4 of us kids) sitting around a table at a vacation spot where there was no TV, internet, or other distractions working on a jigsaw puzzle together. It was a great family activity that kept us close.

  6. Even today, putting a jigsaw puzzle together can be a great family activity. Thanks for sharing your fond memories, PandaB.
