
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cherry Blossoms in Japan

Even though we do not have seasons here, somehow, some trees bloom with lovely white, pink, violet and yellow flowers much like those of temperate climate when it comes to Springtime in the northern hemisphere. Did you notice that too?

Last year and the year before, I managed to take some pictures of the colourful blooms somewhere in March or April. Below is a picture from last year's post.

But this year, the blooms came and went just as quickly that I missed them. No picture this year of Malaysian flowers but better yet, let me take you to Japan for cherry blossoms and other beauties of Spring on Pandabonium and the Moody Minstrel's blogs.

This is borrowed from Pandabonium's blog. You can see more beautiful pictures on PandaB's blog.

And this is from the Moody Minstrel's blog. Visit MM's blog for more beautiful flowers including lovely colourful tulips.

Ahh..... beautiful colours of Spring. I belong in Spring.


  1. Sakuraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    My Favorite..

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Cherry blossoms are pretty.

  3. Cherry blossoms smell amazingly "wangi". Unfotunately I only see trees shading their leaves right now. Rain pouring :(

  4. Robin, yes, I remember you posted some wonderful pictures of cherry or plum blossoms last year too. No chasing sakura this year?

    Mei Teng, yes, they sure are pretty.

    Ai Shiang, is there cherry blossom perfume, I wonder. It's autumn at your place now, isn't it? Soon, you'd wish you were back in Malaysia. LOL! Ever had that feeling before?

  5. Beautiful sakura blooms.

    BTW I took the test on your link and got autumn. xD

  6. There might be cherry blossom perfume out there. I bought a small bottle of cherry blossom fragrance oil sometime ago to make a batch of soaps. They smell sensational. I ended up sniffing them all the time.

    I do feel like being in a warmer place when it's cold here. Being in Msia and eat roti canai will be good.

  7. Jim, autumn is great! :)

    Ai Shiang said, I ended up sniffing them all the time.... and left nothing for the soaps? Kidding. Not possible, eh?

    It's only human to want to have the cake and eat it too. haha..

    Roti canai and teh tarik. Yum!
