
Friday, July 31, 2009

Roadblocks in Kuala Lumpur ahead of ISA Gatherings

Best to stay away from the city tonight. The traffic is like what you see on the image this afternoon along Jalan Cheras according to The Star.

Better to stay at home tomorrow. There would be a lot of traffic downtown. Hopefully, nothing untoward happens tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:36 PM

    What a bummer. Some people still have to travel to work!

  2. yeah, was in MV today and saw massive jam at the federal highway.. luckily i took the train, and it wasn't as packed with people as i expected..

  3. Yes! I'm part of the action too n Saturday! Don't get me wrong. I mean I was trapped too. =(

  4. Mei Teng, were you caught in the jam?

    SK, the train is always the best solution to get downtown esp on a Saturday.

    Tekkaus, and you had to pick last weekend to come up to KL. Hope you enjoyed your mini-vacation here with your family. Did you buy half of KL? LOL!

  5. If i were to be the IGP, i will sure let the people have peaceful demostrations, dont stop lah,, let them do it ,slowly they will grow tired of it,and they will stop.

    the more you stop the more hot people become

    take care now my friend

  6. Now that they want to sue ISA rally people - A M A Z I N G ! Thanks Happy and see you soon in my new post (based in Penang till mid-august) ;)

  7. i was there on my way to kepong jaya..

    it was bad.. trust me.. and the whole highway was jammed.

    and luckily, it rain so heavy and wash away all the cops.


  8. Eugene, people in power sometimes overact but then again, they have reason to be wary. Maybe future protests will be held in the National Stadium, as suggested. Not sure if they will be more effective there.

    Well, Hello Low! Sure is good to have you back! Oh, you'll be in Penang? Cool! Will catch up with you.

    Yeah, there's a new twist - taxi-drivers, etc., are suing the protest organizers! Mind-boggling!

    Ooh, Robin, you were in town? I stayed home. LOL on the rain washing away the cops. It washed away the haze too. Hope your visit was good.
