
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Taking Your Piano Playing to the Next Level

Some piano players have difficulty playing without sheet music. If you are one who has a concern reading piano chords, help is on the way.

There is now a complete step-by-step piano improvisation course comprising a set of 6 DVDs that show you easy to understand improvisation tips and techniques that will have you playing like a pro in as little as a month.

The course also includes a binder with improvisation outlines and exercises. That's not all, you will also get two CDs of some 120 sample tracks for guidance and listening pleasure.

With this video tutorial, you will find that learning to read piano chords and piano improvisation are really not that difficult afterall. You can also sign up for some free piano lessons or learn tips on handling piano chords. All this available on Learn from a professional, get Shortcut Secrets On Mastering The Art Of Improvisation.

Here's a sample of an improvised piece..


  1. Too bad I don't have a piano fpr me to play with. But I always wanted to play the piano! :p

  2. i remember i was given a choice to learn piano or computer when i was a kid.. i opted for computer, now a bit regret i didn't go for piano.. i always admirer those who can play piano, and now that i'm in IT industry and facing computer everyday, i even think piano is something i've missed out in my life.. :p

  3. I don't have a piano. Can't learn that and practice but it is a nice and easy to follow tutorial.

  4. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I don't have a natural talent and passion for music even though I would like to. But I enjoy listening to good pieces played on the piano. A beautiful instrument.

    Nice song list you've got there.
