
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Best Days to Start Work & Best Colors to Wear in Year of the Tiger

Looks like it is going to be yet another hot humid day in Kuala Lumpur as people go about their business and Chinese New Year is barely a week away, six days to be exact. Chinese New Year falls on Feb 14 this year - the same day as Valentine's.

The Spring Festival or more commonly-known as Chinese New Year here is celebrated by all people of Chinese descent, religion aside though many mistake it as a Buddhist or Toaist festival. In actual fact, it is a festival of tradition, not a religious-driven festival. Sadly, it has been misconstrued.

Wikipedia says that Chinese New Year is the most important traditional Chinese holidays but it is not. Winter Solstice is believed to be the most important festival. It is celebrated yearly on Dec 22, give or take a day before or after, some years.

Many of us are looking forward to the celebration and the extended weekend holiday when we can dress up in new clothes, have great food feasts, get together with friends and family, and just chill.

After all the festivities, many among us would want to know as to the good days to start work to begin the new year of the tiger on the right auspicious footing. Below is a guide, courtesy of In a nutshell, the good days are Days 4, 6, 9, 12, 13 and 15. However, if you look closer at the chart, some of these dates may be inauspicious for certain animal signs of the Chinese zodiac/horoscope, so do check it out. (The “X” denotes inauspicious start date for those affected.) I read that for small businesses, Days 12, 13 and 15 are better days to start work.

There is even a guide on the lucky colors to wear but I won't go to that extreme. However, if you are interested, you can refer to the chart below, also courtesy of Click to enlarge image.


  1. Ah... I have bought a new shirt in red ^^

  2. I wonder how they come about with those charts.

    By the look of things, they've categorized people into 12 different kinds. I wonder if that is accurate, just me thinking weird :)

  3. Thanks for the information. :D

  4. Cool info. If only I can start work on my lucky day (Feb 28) instead of immediately after the CNY holiday. That'll be bliss. n:D

  5. Wah Rabbit start work on 15th and Ox on 13th phew long holidays. What about Tiger, Snake, Goat, Monkey, Dog & Pig no need to start work holiday until 2011? Just kidding! They do not have any special day so any day is a good day? TQ for the info.

  6. its terrible too in IPOH... so hot. hardly any wind.. heard this year's color is blue or purple?

  7. Thanks for the info! I try and follow the best days to start work but as for what colors to wear, I will not be so rigid, though I try to keep to blue and black for this year. Btw, nice photo of the sky : )

  8. beautiful post!

    Happy Wednesday!

  9. Red shirt, red pants, red shoes.

    Nothing can stop me striking the lottery this year. =p

  10. hmm, i wonder if we shld follow this strictly... do ppl take leave to follow this? (esp if their co start work on certain days)? :)
