
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ordering Business Cards Online

Most of us use business cards that are printed locally or from a business card vendor that we physically liaise with. Unfortunately, sometimes their business card quality leaves much to be desired.

Ever heard of ordering business cards online? Yes, there are many business card printing companies online such as Moo, UPrinting, GreatFX, VistaPrint, iPrint, and Andreoni.

Online business card printing companies offer the cheapest, easiest and quickest way to get quality business cards. They usually offer a choice of Traditional business cards, Raised print cards and Custom cards. Whatever your preference, these online business cards will certainly be quality business cards that you will be happy with.


  1. Interesting how tech moves so fast with online biz cards. Guess those 'old fashioned' would not catch on easily. Anything on online money changer? Do you think its possible? Wonder how the transaction would be? I 'loke' my credit card online at RM10,000 to buy U$D and the next few hours or following day U$3,000 delivered to my door step or more secured to collect at certain bank? tQ.

  2. Hi WD webmaster, glad this post is timely for you. Yep, give them a try and let us know the result, eh?

    Bananaz, have you seen Moo cards? They are very chic!

    There's an idea for online money changer. I haven't heard about the service here. Have you checked with your card issuer? That would be convenient and safe though exchange rate may not be as good as the 'anneh' money-changer's. Keep us posted?

  3. Do you have source to order Metal business cards online?
