
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Art and Photography

I'm thankful for friends who keep me in their thoughts. They may not pen as much as a "Hi, how are you?", but they continue to forward me emails with all sorts of information, stories and articles that make me go ooh and aah(!) at times, cry a little or laugh aloud or even swear at other times.

Through their emails, I get to visit beautiful exotic places, see things I might not get to see otherwise, get political stories that are not in mainstream media, funny stories and jokes and much more. Yesterday, when I received the images below, I thought I'd have to share the beauty with you who are into art and photography. For the latter, KS and Mei Teng come to mind. Enjoy them! There's more where these came from.


  1. mmm... I am not so into arts. When I shoot portrait, I prefer the models to strike natural pose rather than to show off the so-called S-curve.

  2. much as i hate receiving unncessary chain mails, i actually enjoy looking at emails with nice photos..

  3. Nice hat! swear not looking anywhere else haha..

  4. Lovely images. :)

  5. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Thanks for sharing :) Love the portrait shot in the first one.

  6. KS, I see..

    SK, yeah, it's always better to receive 'useful' emails than chain emails.

  7. Vernon, indeed those pictures certainly are fascinating.

    Bananaz, I believe you.. LOL!
