
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

2012 not end of the world afterall

Today's date is a special date - 20102010. In fact, it didn't ring a bell until I read Foong's post.

If the Mayan calendar were to be true, the earth has been predicted to end in a little over two years time, i.e., Dec 21, 2012. I just read in The Daily Chilli that the world will not end in 2012 afterall, just postponed.. Now, isn't that a relief?! You think?


  1. I wasn't aware of the nice date today is until I read Foong's post. :)

  2. well, it's really difficult to predict the end of the world i'd say.. maybe just tomorrow, or the next second, or even the world will stay immortal.. who knows??

  3. Yes I already knew this. :D

  4. My husband has been saying that we only have 2 more years on earth and laugh over it. The Mayan calendar was based on some sort of "alignment" of the universe. If they knew it was the end of the world it must have happened before, right? Otherwise how would they know? :o)

  5. Lina, you too? LOL!

    SK, the universe is immortal. If Earth is gone, there'd be another place because karma needs to go on. Too deep, hor?

  6. Tekkaus, :)

    Ai Shiang, your husband sure has a sense of humor. The Mayan calendar caused a stir when the calendar stops abruptly at 2012 prompting a lot of speculations and opportunities for new movies. Anyway, we shall wait and see.

  7. Actually I am OK if the world ends in 2012. At least if it's confirmed, I will know what to do with these 2 years!!!

    And not to mention, won;t it be exciting to actually witness the end of the world? It'll be ultra cool : D

  8. as a matter of fact , the world will not end! humans will, the earth is billion of years old and humans are just merely thousands

  9. All those are nothing more than rumor. It was done at that time as the greatest weapon to promote the film "2012". Nothing to worry about that. There is no scientific explanation to this concept.
