
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Celebrating Diwali, the Festival of Lights - Nov 5

Another holiday or rather festival is just around the corner. The Hindu festival, Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, falls on November 5. It's a Friday so it makes it even merrier the celebration extending into the weekend allowing Hindus a longer celebration without having to take additional days off.

Festivals are a time to spread cheer and goodwill by extending holiday invitations to friends and family for get-togethers. These occasions strengthen ties among the different ethnic groups especially in this country where people of different cultures and faiths live side-by-side.

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  1. Do people get a day off during this festival?

  2. Yes, it's a public holiday here nationwide. I said nationwide because there are some public holidays here that are just for certain states.

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