
Monday, October 18, 2010

Haze over Kuala Lumpur

Bad air quality normally doesn't bother me but unfortunately, the current haze over Kuala Lumpur is giving me a sore throat. Am drinking lots of water and juices and hope it'll go away soon. Not forgetting the Vitamin C too.

The air quality is still at acceptable levels according to the Department of Environment and the playgrounds are still filled with kids playing ball or on the ever-popular wooden swing sets The cause of the haze has yet to be determined by the authorities. Let's hope people are not contributing to it with open burning.

Image source: The Star


  1. errr?? but i don't think it's hazy at all now.. when is that photo being taken?? anyway, just drink more water if you think the haze is bothering you.. :)

  2. The Sky look hazy already these past few days. While others rejoice for autumn to come, we contend with haze this time of the year. XD

  3. It rained yesterday afternoon. That helps a bit...

  4. Hase? Oops must be too long in my cave to see 'em.

  5. Yeah! What a shame right! :(

  6. Now more people will get sick...I am starting to cough too...

  7. whatta lovely view

    have a great day

  8. I can see it's still hazy today, SK. If you look at the KL skyline, you can see it. Even the sunshine is of a different color than usual. The Star picture must have been taken a day earlier or even that very day when the article was published. You're right, will have to drink more water. Thanks for the reminder.

    Lina, guess it's that time of the year for us where land-clearing is the order of the day.

  9. KS, it did, otherwise the haze would have been worse.

    Bananaz, my colleague is a good gauge for haze. Her eyes will be affected whenever there's haze in the air. Reminds me of people with rheumatism. They can tell when rain is coming when their knees have that twitching pain. LOL!

  10. Tekkaus, oh dear! Drink more water like what SK suggests. My sore throat is almost gone. Be careful not to spread it to your little one though. You adults will be the ones suffering along.

    Hi PoorPrince, thanks for stopping by. Yeah, KL does have a nice skyline, more so on a clear and lovely day. Have you been to KL? You'll have to come visit.

  11. Wah! Seems like an annual event this haze thingy. Is it because of forest burning? It's beautiful at my end :o)

  12. The atmosphere over Kuala Lumpur is most probably affected by dense smog. The main reason behind it is the presence of dust and smoke in the lower strata of the atmosphere.

  13. Hazy in Singapore also. My colleague has childhood asthma, so when I walk beside her on the way to lunch, I gotta be careful I don't walk too fast - she will be breathless.

  14. Ai Shiang, haven't read about the cause in the papers but I think forest-clearing is a most likely cause as this time of the year is when croppers clear their land for the next planting season. Not enough rainfall to clear the atmosphere could be another factor. Glad your skies are great. Enjoy!

    Huahin, you could be right there. Thanks for stopping by.

  15. Shingo, you are such a good friend.
