
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Security cameras in the city

If you are planning to visit Kuala Lumpur and may be unsure as to how safe it is, be assured that the city is a lot safer now than a few years ago. This is because of the many security cameras that have been installed in many parts of the city and other cities around the country.

According to stats published in the papers, the crime rate has gone down significantly since these cameras were installed. Still, it is advisable to always be alert to your surroundings when you are out and about, especially ladies. Better to be safe than sorry.


  1. yeah i agree, the camera is just to rewind back what HAS HAPPENED, still we must always stay alert..

  2. True. Prevention is always better than cure though I'm sure the reduced crime rate is in part attributable to the installation of security cameras in many places here.

  3. It was a wise decision taken by the city authority to install those security cameras in different parts of the city. Each and every part of the world is facing different type of security threats either from internal or external agencies.

  4. So the CCTV helps to reduce crime rate? That's good!
