
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Titanium rings and stuff people leave behind in restrooms

The things that people leave behind in restrooms! At the office the other day, someone left behind a handphone. This is rather common, I mean there have been many instances of things being left behind or unattended. We have found ladies purses, spectacles. ballpens, watches, hairbands, calculators, phones to name the common items. Not forgetting rings. Yes, rings too.

Talk about rings, did you know that titanium rings are gaining popularity? Titanium is silver in color, has a low density and is strong, lustrous, and corrosion-resistant. You can find a vast selection of titanium rings available - with gold inlays, stone inlays, diamond accents, and special finishes. Pretty! Some samples below I found online.

1 comment:

  1. All the Titanium rings are very simple and decent one. I need to have all of them. Last month, My sister got married and I presented Titanium ring to was very similar to one that you showed here...
