
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Grow apple trees in your yard

Almost all houses here that have land around their property have at least a fruit tree or two on their land or compound. Ever noticed that? In our climate, mangoes, rambutans, guavas, even durians are the common fruit trees grown. Grapes have also been added of late when people discovered that grapes can also be grown in our tropical climate. There is no denying how amazing a fruit can taste when it’s picked straight from the fruit trees or fruit plants.

If you are looking out for a fruit tree or two to plant or have an orchard and are planning to increase your crop and variety, Willis Orchards may be just the site for you. They have a wide selection of fruit trees for sale - from apple trees to apricot trees, kiwi to pears, bananas to passion fruit, and more.

Besides fruit trees, you can also find berry plants - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, elderberries, and more. Berries are delicious and so very healthy for your body. Berries are high in vitamins and antioxidants which in recent years have driven the high demand for the products and the subsequent high prices at grocery stores.

Grape vines are also available at Willis Orchards. Check out the different varieties of grapes that they have. If nuts are your interest, you can find almond trees, pecan trees, chestnut trees and more. Need some flowering trees, shade trees or palm trees to spruce up your garden landscaping? They do have them too, lots of varieties to choose from. Bamboo plants are also available and you would be surprised at the many species of bamboo plants they carry - from Golden Goddess Bamboo plant to Black Bamboo plant, American Native Bamboo plant, Japanese Timber Bamboo plant, just to name a few. Willis Orchards, definitely a site to check out. Bookmark it!


  1. Possible to grow apple tree in our yard? That's would be interesting. tQ

  2. doesnt apply for those who live in high-rise :/

  3. Lina, why not, eh? I have a couple of friends who grow their vegetables in pots in their apartment.

    Bananaz, I have bought crabapples that were imported from Indonesia, so I believe apples can thrive in our environment. A colleague has a healthy fruiting grapevine at her porch - for years now. Giving it a try?

  4. Ken, just like what I replied to Lina above, having a garden or a mini one is possible in a highrise.

  5. Do u think Willis Orchards will ship to Malaysia? ta

    1. You know you could contact them. Any one of the links in the article above will take you to their website. They have a toll-free line too. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Your website is very beautiful or Articles. I love it thank you for sharing for everyone. Apple Trees for Sale
