
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nature's Vision - Nature Fundraising for a Greener World

The next time you are involved in fundraising, bring it a notch up by using products that contribute to the environment for a greener world.

Natures Vision Fundraising with 30 Years of fundraising experience, supplies top quality fundraising products and provides environmental fundraising ideas for schools and organizations.

They have a wide range of nature fundraising items in their catalog. There are organic t-shirts with a variety of animal prints and colors, 100% cotton hats, jewelry items, wallets, carnival bags, mugs and sports-bottles, pure soy candles and diffusers, bath towels, towel ponchos, gift items and more.

The best part about choosing Nature's Vision for all of your green fundraising needs is that you will be raising environmental awareness as you raise funds. Part of the proceeds from sales go towards environmental causes, for example, Gulf Coast restoration projects, nature conservation projects and efforts to support a sustainable future for our planet. Nature's Vision donates 6% from the sale of World Wildlife Fund products to the WWF to support their global conservation efforts. Your purchase of t-shirts from Animal Planet benefits the principle partners of R.O.A.R., Animal Planet's project to help make the world a better place for animals.
Nature's Vision is a service-oriented company. They are committed to providing you with products of the highest quality. To make your next fundraiser headache free, they individually package each item and then bag each seller's order separately. This translates into easy order fulfillment and distribution for you and your team, with no need for you to repack or sort anything. Think Nature's Vision for your next nature fundraiser need!

Fundraising for a Greener World.

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