
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Raising purr-fect kids - Tiger Cubs

We have sometimes come across stories of high-achieving children and wondered how they do it. In all instances, nothing succeeds without hardwork and some sacrifice. Here is another story featured as one of the top stories in The Star today. This is especially good reading for moms-to-be and moms with small children. Some lessons to take away perhaps..

ESTEPHE and Perrine Corlin, twins aged 10, were in Kuala Lumpur recently to visit their mum’s family, and to promote their new book The Roar Of The Tiger Cubs to help raise funds for their favourite charity project. The children reside in Hong Kong with their Malaysian mother and French father.

Estephe and Perrine shot to fame when they sat the Cambridge University International General Certificate Secondary Exam (IGCSE) Mathematics for 16-year-olds last November, and scored As!
More..Raising purr-fect kids.. The Star


  1. Good for her & family. And maybe the book can be of valuable help to other parents.

    Me, I don't need a straight A son. I just want him to be a good person and will love his family regardless. :)

  2. So she is the tiger lady lar! :D
