
Monday, July 25, 2011

AirAsia moves Corporate HQ from KL to Jakarta

It's not a rumour. The news is out. AirAsia is moving its Corporate HQ from KL to Jakarta.

Tony Fernandes, AirAsia’s group chief executive, confirmed the decision in Tokyo Thursday, saying the move is an effort to upgrade his company’s image as a regional Southeast Asian airline rather than just a Malaysian carrier.

Read story on Asia Sentinel..


  1. Jakarta is more 'international' than KL? Funny...

    hmm... how many jobs will be lost?

  2. Maybe there's less political intervention there, to protect the other airline?

    Or cost is cheaper in Jakarta?

  3. May the wind be with you AA..

  4. Could it be that Mr Tony knows well that Malaysia is not so business friendly and crocodiles a lot,,,,,,well business is business they say,,

  5. Now the latest is Mr Tony says AA not going to move to Jakarta stays put in Malaysia lol,,,,,,,,,how come like that one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?

  6. Sorry eugene..the wind not blowing to Jakarta, false alarm the windsock got some technical problem..

  7. hmmmm, i find that explanation quite weird and vague.. must be a lot more other reasons behind that internationalization i guess.. :p

  8. Yes I heard this news too - wonder what's the main reason behind it?
