
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

McDonald's staff & Nike's new seamless shoes

Two interesting videos to watch and probably come away with a new insight. They say perception is real but sometimes it can be deceiving you'll see.

By the way, are you (in Malaysia) aware that McValue meals for lunch and buka puasa (breaking fast) come with much reduced prices? These promo prices only apply from noon to 3pm and from 6 to 9pm.


  1. Hey, corporate personalities make me feel so much better as I destroy my health and the planet by buying their goods.... ? huh?

  2. yeah, every year during the ramadhan month, it's McD ritual to have the GCB and the buka puase value meals.. but so far, i've not eaten any, hehe!! promise myself to keep away from McD for a month~~ :D

  3. Those who are not fasting have a good deal. Can "makan" value meal at McD for reduced price both for lunch & dinner. ;)

  4. Not a fan of McD so not taking advantage of the offer : )
