
Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Frolics - The Present Wrapping Oracle

There are things we do that we take for granted the way we do them. Take something as mundane as gift-wrapping. No, nothing to do with getting up on a copying machine to get your skirt printed though some skirt prints do look good on wrapping papers.

We are talking about how you wrap your presents as well as the type of wrapping paper you choose. Do this interesting quiz to find out what your present wrapping habit says about you.

You Are Stylish

You are a sneaky gift giver. You're good at throwing people off the trail of what you're really giving them.

You are spontaneous and impulsive. You tend to do things quickly, and you're quite impatient.

You are very organized and together. No one would ever accuse you of being a slob.

Your style of dress is classic and chic. The clothes you wear will never go out of style.


  1. I am hopeless in wrapping anything so I get the shop to do it for me if I need to, so the quiz is out for me.

  2. You sure have so many blogs, at times I am confused which one get updated for me to read and comment.

  3. same same here, just that the very last part is different for me "You don't think outward appearances matter much. As long as you're clean and neat, you're good!"

  4. Bananaz ~ You Are Confident..

    You are a sentimental gift giver. You prefer to give gifts that have meaning, even if they aren't particularly useful.

    You are spontaneous and impulsive. You tend to do things quickly, and you're quite impatient.

    You are very organized and together. No one would ever accuse you of being a slob.

    You don't think outward appearances matter much. As long as you're clean and neat, you're good!
