
Monday, November 21, 2011

School is Out in Malaysia

School is out for this academic year, last Friday being the last day of school. School holidays do have an impact in the office. You can tell when people come to work early and less stressed as parents do not need to get up extra early braving traffic jams sending their children to school. What a relief it must be for parents.

It will be another some seven weeks before the cycle begins again. Enjoy it while you can, parents!


  1. Yeay! No need to wake up at 5.30am for a while. :)

  2. Oh gosh! 5:30?
    I can feel your elation, Lina. LOL

  3. Was thinking to blog about school holidays & the clear traffic like your mentioned but no inspirasi nothing came to mind yet. Slowly building up facts and points perhaps all going well shall post end of the month and to link this post.

  4. Bananaz, thanks in advance for the link. Looking forward to your post.
