
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Beside a beautiful orange Lamborghini

On my last visit to Genting Highlands last year, outside the main hotel, Maxims Genting, people were milling around some 7 to 8 expensive-looking imported European cars, including Lamborghinis and Ferraris. The people were peering into the cars and taking pictures of them as well as having their own picture taken standing next to one.

It was a misty, cold morning. Huddled under my jacket standing just outside the hotel entrance, one lady, I noticed, spent an extraordinarily long time having her picture taken in various poses and at different corners beside an orange model, not unlike the one below.

Beautiful cars are normally pictured alongside good-looking people (or at least perceived such) or you see beautiful ladies posing beside these vehicles in a roadshow. The picture below, has a different setting however. I wonder where was this taken. Perhaps KL Chinatown?
This image is today's winner of The Star's Thumbnail, a readers submission corner of daily images. Titled, Rich dad, poor dad, this was taken by Kenny Seow @ Weng Leong with the caption Wealth disparity rearing its ugly head. Indeed.

Received three comments (two anonymous) on this post indicating that Kenny Seow is not the owner of the picture.

Profanity is not tolerated here so one anonymous comment has been deleted. I would still like to use this image because it fits in well with my post and is well-taken and reflects the reality of life.

If you are the owner and would like to have image removed, please leave a comment or you can send me an email. Alternatively, if you do not mind image to be used here, please advise as to whom it should be creditted to. Will gladly give due credit.


  1. Sory, that pic not belong to Kenny Seow @ Weng Leong, he a thief, stole other ppl artwork and send to the paper just for RM50 .. poor kenny ..kahkahkah

    this photo belong to

  2. Anonymous1:32 PM

    i think you better ask for permission 1st before posting others image... this bastard Kenny Seow @ Weng Leong is not the right owner... he's been disqualified by The Star Online : Thumbnails... you should remove this pict or you'll be hunt like that Kenny...

  3. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Kenny Seow @ Weng Leobg is a thief..this pic is not belang to him...shame of u..ur dignity is just cost Rm50 Kenny Seow..

    1. you bloody lanjiao feller . shit on ur mother face

  4. Dear Commenters, thank you for the heads-up. Due credit will be given as soon as I get information. Please reread the post where the UPDATE portion is. Thank you all for visiting.

  5. Whoever took the photo, it's very powerful. It reminds me so much of South Africa, too ... :(

  6. yeah, i think that's Petaling Street.. this photo gives me a laugh on the expensive car, can't even run any faster than a kancil in such a crowded place, hahahaha!! it's like you are carrying your platinum card but there's no shop that accept credit card.. :p


    he's the owner of the picture! not the stupid kenny! omg! the star also shown their stupidity.. haha

  8. Rurousha, it reminds me of that award-winning photo taken in Africa of a weak hungry boy eating the food off the floor while a vulture waits closeby. I read that the photographer suffered depression and later killed himself. Sad.

  9. SK, different strokes for different folks, I guess, though true that our roads are hardly suitable for such fast cars. Still, they are a sight to behold.

  10. Hello Iris, thanks for the info. Now readers of this post know who the photographer is.

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  12. Such glaring disparity in quality of life. That's all I can say.

    And for those anonymous readers who spew profanity - can't they just let you know and ask you take the photo down rather than cursing? Such bad manners. :(

  13. Hello Silvia, thank you and thank you for your suggestion.

  14. Lina, disparity, alright - such is life.

    People can get carried away sometimes. :)

    Thank you.

  15. And sure is easy to get carried away behind the cloak of anonymity!

    And is this what we will be teaching our children? OK to behave aggressively and badly towards others without giving them the benefit of doubt? :(

  16. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The owner is Chottouch. He's a very famous street photographer. So better u remove it or put credit to him

  17. Interesting picture! And interesting comments here too haha! As for rude comments, they deserve to be deleted.

  18. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Please remove this pic.. shame on u Kenny Seow.... its belong to En Ct II.
