
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do Dragons exist?

Sky-watching on a good sunny day can be entertaining. I was doing a spot of it the other day when the sky was very blue peppered generously with very white clouds when a shape caught my eye and got my imagination working overtime a little. Here is the dragon story. Click on image to enlarge image.

Funny thing about clouds, they get your imagination going connecting to things familiar. According to Lilian Too of WOFS (World of Feng Shui), cloud formations are omens if one is able to interpret the formations.

Back to the title, Do Dragons exist? An apt question in this Year of the Dragon. Yeah, do dragons really exist?

A friend once told me that dragons do exist. Just like ghosts, they live in a different realm. Unlike ghosts, dragons come from a realm that is very affluent. Some of us do see ghosts but can we also see dragons? Check out the short videos below to decide for yourself whether dragons do exist.

Notes on You Tube:
Uploaded by cts0328 on May 18, 2008
this video is capture one day b4 the quake happen in china........

Notes on You Tube:
Uploaded by russmarrs2 on Jan 26, 2011
I was in Beijing China, then this Amazing Chinese Dragon was released from the sky, and soared by in a matter of 2 seconds! This is 100 % REAL LIVE FOOTAGE

And closer home..

This is the third day of Chinese New Year. It is named Beggar's Day and according to customs, is not a good day to go visiting if it is the first time you are visiting the person or home.

Whatever, may this Year of the Dragon bring You happiness, best of health, great wisdom and good fortune, and may all that you wish for come true.

Gong Xi Fa Ta Cai!


  1. I guess dragons are as real as "Hang Tuah" now. xD

  2. Oh! Dragons do exist and they are these small animals living in a cave somewhere in Europe, if I'm not mistaken. They are white, shaped like a small snake with four legs. "Flying" in the water. Some kind of salamander but very slim and long

  3. You definitely caught a dragon! That third video is eerie! o_O

  4. hahaha!! agree with lina, they are as real as "Hang Tuah", so controversial.. you believe it then it exists, you don't believe it then it's imaginary.. :D

  5. and yeah, i can see the "dragon" from your photo collage, the one right in the middle.. auspicious huh??

  6. Ooh! I can see the dragon in the clouds you captured! Amazing!

  7. i'm not sure dragons exist or not, but the Chinese or even Westerners might have mistaken dinosaurs as dragons LOL!

  8. I would like to believe that dragons exist and they might exist in another world, or another dimension. Anyway, I love to watch clouds and I can always see many faces, and monsters, even angels sometimes : )

  9. i think dragon exist longtime ago, if compare the head of dragon from chinese dragon and western, they look almost the same,imagine people from different continent with no means of connection at that time,(where china have not meet the western and the western think the world is flat) have the same imagination about the dragon.
