
Friday, February 24, 2012

Keretapi Sarong - Sat Feb 25 Meeting Point

The clock is ticking. Keretapi Sarong day is this

Saturday, Feb 25
4:00pm until 6:00pm

Meeting Point: KFC KL Sentral. When you get there, the organizing team will inform you where to go next. :)

1 - join the project:

2 - what we are doing,
is something like No Pants Subway

On Sunday, January 8th, 2012 tens of thousands of people took off their pants on subways in 59 cities in 27 countries around the world. In New York, our 11th Annual No Pants Subway Ride had nearly 4,000 participants, spread out over six meeting points and ten subway lines.

3 - watch video the previous project: Fake Water Gun Fight

Have fun, People!


  1. haha, guess our culture and perception and laws don't allow pantless day, we twig a little with sarongs?? :D

  2. ahahaha they're sexy and they know it :p

  3. SK, if No Pants Day does take place, it won't be the Fashion Police raising a ruckus but the law enforcers would be the busy ones. LOL
