
Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Duck and her black eggs are soon parted

There is a duck here in Kampung Seri Murni in Kuala Pegang, near Baling, Kedah, that is getting a lot of attention. No, she did not lay golden eggs but laid two black eggs instead. A trader offered RM30,000 for the eggs but offer was declined.

What does it tell you when a duck lays black eggs when her neighbours are geese and turkeys? :O
Read the story here..

Image source: The Star


  1. oh, interesting, most probably it's a rare case where there's mutation or some melanin (do ducks have that??) overdose?? hahaha..

  2. i don't find that very impressive actually, unless the duck really laid golden eggs :p

  3. Some people are willing to pay anything for such item. Boggles the mind.

  4. SK, unusual, yes, which could be the result of cross-breeding according to the article.

    The amount offered would not have been RM30k if they are golden eggs..

  5. Lina, true, the person who offered the price must have seen value in a pair of black duck eggs.

  6. the eggs are from a cayuga duck and the black washes off. its completely normal.

  7. Hi Megan, thanks for sharing that. Looking forward to reading more about your homestead life. Thanks for stopping by.
