
Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Frolics - What Swimming Stroke Are You?

I'm sorry, I'm late again this week for Friday Frolics.

In line with the Olympics, let's go swimming, not literally, of course. Let's take a quiz to find out what swimming stroke are we, each one of us.

You Are the Breaststroke

You are a happy and content person. You try to enjoy every day and every moment to the fullest.

You don't push yourself too hard, but you do try to stay consistent.

Slow and steady does win the race, and because of this, you're miles ahead of everyone else.

You live mindfully and intentionally. You take every decision seriously.


  1. i am the crawl.. I am ambitious and driven. I tend to have a wide variety of goals and accomplishments. I stay in the moment and focus well. I don't let myself get distracted. If I dream it, I do it. And I have a new dream almost every day. I don't give up easily, and I actually enjoy pushing myself a bit. I am amazing in what Ican do.

  2. Wow, SK, you are fast too! First commenter, almost every time! I know, there ain't mainy commenters here, but the people who come here are THE BEST! Thank you!

  3. I'm a backstroke! I always knew Africa was backwards ... :p
