
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hardware stores are here to stay

Besides a sundry shop, one other shop that fascinates me is the hardware shop. I have always wondered how do the people who man such shops find what they are looking for. I mean, look at the amount of things they have all crammed up in that limited space.

I happened to pass by one such hardware shop the other day and this man reading a newspaper on a makeshift table while taking a ciggie break caught my attention. There is even a Chinese tea-set closeby for a quick thirst-quencher. How cool!

Hardware shops, like this one, are still thriving here in Kuala Lumpur (and throughout the country) despite bigstore names like ACE Harwdware making a presence in the city. Housing contractors frequent these one-shoplot "often-owned by a Chinaman" hardware stores for their better prices and their personal attention.

These hardware stores have everything you will need either to build a house or just a screw and nut for a minor repair. Looking for a Polyurethane Air Hose? I'm sure they have that too and more, many more.


  1. my house here also have plenty hardware shop. The other time i went and buy paint and i was surprised that they have almost everything there...even the mozzie racquet

  2. The mozzie racquet? Used to be the rage when it was first introduced. You own one?
