
Friday, October 26, 2012

Hari Raya Aidiladha 2012 - Pictures

Came across these pictures from The Star about Hari Raya Haji and a little peek into Mecca, where non-Muslims are officially not allowed in. Here are some answers to Can I as a Non-Muslim visit Mecca?

The pictures..

Muslim pilgrims walk next to the Namirah Mosque as they leave the Mount of Mercy (also called Mount Arafat) during the Muslim's Hajj 2012 pilgrimage, in Arafat, Saudi Arabia, 25 October 2012. Millions of Muslim pilgrims left Arafat to Mozdalefa after performing one of the main rituals of their pilgrimage. - EPA - 26 October, 2012

Sweets are put on display outside a pastry shop in the southern Lebanese port of Sidon on the occasion of the Muslim holiday of Aidiladha or the "Feast of Sacrifice" on October 25, 2012. Millions of Muslims around the world celebrate Aidiladha, which marks the end of the annual hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca this weekend. AFP - 26 October, 2012

Muslim pilgrims perform the noon prayer outside the Namera mosque (background) in the plain of Arafat on the outskirts of the holy city of Mecca on October 25, 2012. Vast crowds of Muslim pilgrims, all dressed in white, flocked from early in the morning to Mount Arafat in Saudi Arabia's west to take part in the main rituals of the annual hajj. AFP - 26 October, 2012

Source: The Star


  1. Wow people mountain people sea..

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Selamat Hari Raya AdilAdha to one and all...

  3. Its a pity Bananaz would love to go Mecca to feel the vibration and get connected. Had a great time during my very first time entering a mosque when in Egypt whoa strong connection while at the core, so blissful.

  4. interesting facts, especially the threads on "can i enter mecca if i am not a muslim".. makes this place even more mysterious for me.. :)
