
Thursday, November 22, 2012

PSY did it again at the American Music Awards (AMA) - Oppa Gangnam Style!

By now, most if not all of us would have had enough of PSY and his Gangnam Style. But wait, you've got to watch it one more, no, two more times to wrap it up.

PSY's horse-riding dance-and-song routine is such a huge worldwide phenomenon that he received an award at the MTV European Music Awards (EMA) last week for Best Video of the Year and even got to perform his act. If you missed it, here's the video.

There is more, of course. At the American Music Awards (AMA) a few days ago, though he did not win any award, he wrapped up the awards show with a performance of his hit, Gangnam Style. He was even joined on stage by surprise guest MC Hammer for a special mash-up of Gangnam Style and Too Legit To Quit. Great performance. Must watch video..

There you have it. Enough of Gangnam Style to last us for a long time to come. Enjoy the performances, esp the one at the AMA, the second one! No doubt, he gets better with each performance.


  1. i was more amazed to see everyone in the audience enjoying his performance so much, dancing and singing along.. now that's what a good performance is defined, resonance and response from the audience..

  2. I've always thought American audiences are spontaneous, sporting and so fun. What a party it was! I like PSY's outfit, especially his pants.

  3. reminds me of TM LOL
