
Monday, November 5, 2012

The AES of Malaysia

AES. Most of us would go What's AES?

AES stands for Automated Enforcement System. Still no idea what it is? It's the camera system that has been installed along our highways.

Recently, our government privatised part of law enforcement by having two private companies install the AES to nab speeding motorists. The system went into force on Sept 23. It has been reported that proceeds from summonses are shared between the AES contractors and the Road Transport Department/government. It gets more interesting. The two companies are not camera manufacturers but obtained the cameras from another source.

The video below is an interview with Selayang Member of Parliament, YB William Leong, on the AES. Watch till the end. You will appreciate the information shared here.

Indeed, it will be costly for Usain Bolt running on Malaysian highways. Btw, there are a number of free apps available on the AES camera locations around the country.

And, in The Star today, it was reported that:

The police mobile speed trap cameras will be maintained alongside the Automated Enforcement System (AES) in a bid to reduce high accident rates, said Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop.

“Despite the introduction of the AES, the Government has no intention to abolish the old system.

“The police would operate (mobile speed trap) cameras, while the new system would be operated by the Road Transport Department (JPJ),”
More..Police speed trap cameras to operate alongside AES

Related articles:
- JPJ lists spots for 831 AES cameras
- JPJ reveals locations of AES cameras nationwide
- Lim: No AES in Penang yet
- Umno Youth: Postpone AES
- Selangor blocks AES implementation


  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I checked the list. Sibu has ONE!!! Hehehehehe!!!!

  2. Highway speed at 30-70kph? Pengsan..tQ

  3. Sigh.. look at the positive side..
    it actually save live..
