
Sunday, January 13, 2013

A little tour of Kuala Lumpur

If you have yet to visit our beloved city, Kuala Lumpur, let me take the opportunity to show you around parts of the city via a few short videos taken by The Star during yesterday's Rally KL112.

From the video below and a few other related videos, you will get to see Stadium Merdeka, once the stadium used for national football matches before Bukit Jalil National Stadium came along. You will see a stadium filled with enthusiastic and peaceful rally supporters at Saturday's KL112 Rally for Clean and Free elections.

You will also see Central Market, a tourist destination for arts and crafts shopping in Kuala Lumpur.

One of the 27 conditions agreed upon was to have only 30,000 people inside the stadium but according to the authorities, the number exceeded that. Apparently, someone was counting?

Peaceful gathering as promised and other related videos..
Hope you will enjoy the little tour of Kuala Lumpur. More videos and sights of Kuala Lumpur and the Rally..


  1. ya many people there

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This was the Bersih rally for clean and fair elections. You can read this article for some info on it:

    Incident-free this time:

    Thanks for stopping by, Anand.

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